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Darke County Economic Development Logo

Established in 1809, Darke County, Ohio is located on the West-Central Border of Ohio and Indiana. With a focus on agriculture the county quickly grew and prospered throughout the nineteenth century. As the twentieth century dawned, Darke County proved itself as a leader in agriculture on both regional and state levels as well as hosting countless established businesses and industries.


Today, Darke County continues it's tradition of success with a vision focused on implementing innovative technologies by welcoming new businesses/industries to join our growing community of success.


Whether you live in the area or just stop by for a visit, we're sure that you will agree that Darke County offers both a rich environment for business success and a satisfying lifestyle.


The Darke County CIC has several committees in place to address specific issues within the organization.

Following is a list of the current committees and chairpersons:

Phone: 937-548-3250
Fax: 937-547-8446

Phone: 937-548-3250
Fax: 937-547-8446

Phone: 937-548-3250
Fax: 937-547-8446

Phone: 937-548-3250
Fax: 937-547-8446

The Annual Financial Reports of the Community Improvement Corporation of Darke County and Partnering for Success, Inc. are available for inspection at the Darke County Economic Development Office located at
537 South Broadway, Suite 201, Greenville, OH  45331. 


Darke County Community Improvement Corporation

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